Friday, August 29, 2008

I was folding laundry the other day. Gracie was getting tired but it wasn't time for bed yet. She was in my room watching TV. She kept saying "is it time to go nigh night". I didn't hear anything for a while and this is what I found:) These are a couple of neighborhood friends. We went to Ryan's subdivision and played in the water park. The kids had a really good time.
My big boy sucking in:)
Gracie driving the boys around.
This is Coop's little friend Tate. They don't say much to each other but they sure seem like they have a good time together.


Natalie said...

All of these pictures are so darn cute. Gracie's hair is so long and I can't believe Cooper is so big. I remember him being a month old. What adorable kids you have! We can't wait to see you all.

ERIN said...

oh my gosh. steph, gracie is you. that picture of her driving those boys around. i just had flash forwards of that girl giving you hell!!! good luck. you love me.